Introduction to the basics of vizzie in Max/MSP by Florence 444 Fire (free*). From Sound Museum Collective's workshop at the Rotunda, 11/20/22. Our full performance from the event at the Rotunda has been uploaded here.
In this tutorial Flor explains the basics of digital signal processing, and walks us through building patches in Max/MSP to mix video signals and apply effect.
*To access vizzie, you must first install a free trial of Max (this will last indefinitely but will not let you save patches after 30 days), go to File/Package Manager and download vizzie.
This workshop was held as a part of a Sound Museum Collective project titled, "Cathode Ray Tapestries: Memory, Nostalgia and Analog Video Synthesis." Our intention is to broaden access to video synthesizer technology and carve a platform for marginalized communities to explore an expensive and often inaccessible art.
Project support provided by The Velocity Fund administered by Philadelphia Contemporary with generous funding from The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts.